Your Ghost Hunt at Beaumanor Hall
Leicestershire is riddled with haunted history, no where more so than Beaumanor Hall
Your Ghost Hunt at Beaumanor Hall will leave you in no doubt of why this historic building is so active. As you walk in to the Hall you get a real sense of being watched from windows above. There is an overwhelming sense of spirits waiting to interract. With access to so many areas within Beaumanor Hall, it will be difficult to work in each and every room. However, we have identified those areas that have produced so much paranormal activity and intend to ghost hunt through the night in our attempts to make contact with the spirits that remain here.
As well as the haunted bedrooms, servants quarters and cellar areas we will spend time in the haunted corridors and dark hidden rooms where so much has been heard and seen. An overnight ghost hunt at Beaumanor Hall is not for the faint-hearted but will definitely be very rewarding.
More Information
Your Event Includes
- Use of ghost hunting equipment including EMF Meters, K2 Meters etc.
- Experiments including glass divination, table tipping and Ouija Boards.
- Workshop and separate vigils for returning guests.
- Ghost hunting vigils and séances in small groups.
- Includes teas and coffees
- Free time to investigate alone
Address, Maps & Hotels
Address & Hotel Information
Beaumanor Hall
Beaumanor Drive
LE12 8TX
For Hotels near to
Beaumanor Hall , please click here. opens in a new window
- This location is not suitable for wheelchair users
- This location is not suitable for people with mobility issues or walking difficulties
- All attendees must be 18 years or older
- All attendees must bring a torch
- Wear sensible shoes and warm layered clothing as the location may get cold at night