Your Ghost Hunt at Shrewsbury Prison
Sleep inside the incredilbly haunted Shrewsbury Prison and witness the unknown
With endless areas to investigate including 'A' Wing, the vulnerable prisoners Wing, long corridors, execution areas, the hanging room and the cells themselves, there is hardly enough time to cover all the ground at Shrewsbury Prison. This Victorian Prison that was erected over the original Georgian Prison grounds, is a dire place to spend the night. It has a cold and dreadful atmosphere where misery is the key word.
The Georgian Tunnels of the original site are still in existence today and many secret entrances are evident. Your ghost hunt at Shrewsbury Prison will certainly open your eyes to how prisoners were treated and even in modern day they would have known about the hanging area which is still very evident. Spending the night here will not be easy by any means but if you are looking for that all important ghostly activity, then this Shrewsbury Prison is definitely for you.
More Information
Your Event Includes
- Use of ghost hunting equipment including EMF Meters, K2 Meters etc.
- Experiments including glass divination, table tipping and Ouija Boards.
- Workshop and separate vigils for returning guests.
- Ghost hunting vigils and séances in small groups.
- Includes teas and coffees
- Free time to investigate alone
If you wish to take part in the optional sleepover after the event finishes, you will need to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and something to sleep on e.g. camping mattress with you.
Please be aware breakfast is not provided. You are welcome to bring any soft/hot drinks and snacks with you to have when you wake up.
The sleepover finishes at 8:00am.
Address, Maps & Hotels
Address & Hotel Information
HMP Shrewsbury
The Dana
For Hotels near to
Shrewsbury Prison , please click here. opens in a new window
- Street Parking and Local Car Parks
- This location is not suitable for wheelchair users
- This location is not suitable for people with mobility issues or walking difficulties
- All attendees must be 18 years or older
- All attendees must bring a torch
- Wear sensible shoes and warm layered clothing as the location may get cold at night